artist statement

I dabble across genres of writing, experimenting with forms and styles as I go, but returning to poetry is always like returning home. I am most confident and comfortable in writing poems and my inspiration for my creative work knows no bounds. I can find poetry in everyday objects and personal feelings alike.

Poetry and stories have existed for a long time. Some of the formats that they have been presented in, however, are much younger. Digital creative writing offers a modern platform for classic and experimental works alike. I tested the waters with writing for and in an online space to create an eBook and an interative poem to learn to add another element of depth to my poetry.

about silhouettes

An eBook full of poetry, silhouettes is a collection of haikus that are easily shareable and accessible through their digital format. The short length of the poems themselves make them easy to digest and suit the reading style of online readers. While the topics of each poem vary, they all share the traditional 5-7-5 format characteristic of haikus. I chose to keep the work simple and clean to match the short-and-sweet style of the writing.

about honesty

Conflicting thoughts and feelings can exist within the same person at the same time. honesty is an interactive poem that plays with this concept by exploring different thoughts and feelings stored in three different parts of one person: your eyes, your blood, and your fears. Focusing on different feelings shapes our responses. We can choose to react by what we feel most strongly, or maybe by what we think is the "right" choice (and the criteria that defines why a choice is right or wrong can vary). I aimed to make this piece a thought-provoking one, leaving plenty of room for the reader to draw their own conclusions about the relationships between stanzas and of the poems themselves.